NEWS | SciCamp 2024 Day 1 concludes with District Jingles, Camper’s Jam
By Jay Adrian Lotivio
The Bonfire, Ballad of the Songbirds, and Campers’ Jam was conducted this December 15, 2024 at the campus gymnasium, marking the end of Science Camp 2024 Day 1: Sunrise on the Reaping.
Due to unfavorable weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances, the bonfire ceremony was conducted instead through the showing of a bonfire on the LED screen.
“We had to innovate, and also protect the safety of the students. The welfare of the students is the most important;” said event organizers and grade 12-Chemistry scholars Kyna Arizapa and Rem Prudente.
Afterwards, a pinning ceremony commenced as district members proudly pinned and wore their district pins.
Then commenced the Ballad of the Songbirds, a segment where each district showcased their district name and creativity in STEM through a short yell and creative jingle.
“[There was a] mixture of ideas, some performed well, some delivered mediocre performances, some tried their best but entertained us; that’s the good thing,” commented Computer Science teacher and Ballad of the Songbirds judge Sir Tom Jordan Secundo.
The last segment for the night, the Camper’s Jam saw scholar-tributes Joshua Mediavillo and Marcus James Tayo, as well as band Half a Dozen serenade the districts with musical performances.